Ask the Namibian Guides

Ask the Namibian Guides

348,00 DKK

Diana Rupp * Et overflødighedshorn af spændende og brugbar viden om jagt og vildt i Namibia.

Varenr.: AFR-1112-0u9
Lagerstatus: På lager

SPROG: Engelsk

Forfatteren har samlet oplysninger ind om jagt, vildt, våben, grej m.m. hos erfarne jagtguides i hele Namibia. Bogen rummer derfor detaljeret viden, der ikke bare baserer sig på en enkelt jægers besøg i landet, men som virkelig er essensen af hvad landet rent jagtligt står for, og som derfor også er brugbar og helt aktuel viden, hvis rejsen går til det sydvestafrikanske jagtland.

182 sider, indb.
Rigt ill. i farver.

In recent years Namibia has become one of the most popular destinations for safari hunters, both first-timers and old Africa hands alike. If you?ve ever wondered what it would be like to hunt in this country, this is the book for you. The information comes not from people who have visited there once or twice, but straight from the ultimate experts?established professional hunters who conduct safaris in Namibia.

Author Diana Rupp interviewed a dozen highly experienced professional hunters from all over the country, asking for their insights on how to choose an outfitter, what types of rifles/ammunition/ gear to bring, and how to practice and prepare for a successful safari. These professional hunters also discuss why Namibia is a good choice for a safari destination, what happens when you arrive in and depart from the country, what to expect during a typical hunting day, what the terrain is like, what type of game is available, what sort of lodging and food to expect, and what types of safaris are most appropriate for families. The PHs who were interviewed for this book are all long-established professionals representing a wide range of expertise: Some are plains game experts and others are dangerous game specialists. Some hunt on private farms; others hunt in wilderness concessions. The combined wisdom of these professionals will leave the reader with an excellent overview of what to expect from a safari in Namibia and how best to prepare for a hunting adventure in this magnificent country.

269 sider, indb.